Monday, 5 October 2015

Katakana part 1 (Vowels, Ks, Ss, Ts and Ns)

Katakana is the second Japanese alphabet you'll be learning! The pronunciations and Ten-tens will be the exact same, just the characters will be different. Katakana is much more angular than Hiragana so it will be easy to tell the two apart. You'll also notice that some Katakana are similar to their Hiragana counterparts.

A = ア this is someone sticking their tongue out at the doctors saying 'Aah' This is A for Aah

I = イ this looks like an eagle. This is I for eagle.

U = ウ this is an old woman bending over  . A twig falls from a tree and hits her on her back. She says 'Ooph!' This is U for Ooph.

E = エ this looked like closed curtains ath the end of a performance. This is E for end.

O = オoh look! The boy is kicking the ball! This is O for oh.

The 'K' Line
Ka = カ oh no the car's gone off the cliff! This is Ka for car.

Ki = キ this look like a key. This is Ki for key.

Ku = ク this looks like a cook's hat. This is Ku for Cook.

Ke = ケ this reminds me of a kettle. If you  look at it closely, it also reassembles a K. This is K for kettle.

Ko = コ This is your half of the tennis court! Ko for court.

The 'S' Line
Sa = サ This character has 3 lines. The Japanese word for 3 is San (三) this is Sa for San.

Shi = シ it looks like she is smiling! This is Shi for she.

Su = ス the soup spoon is hanging out of your mouth! This is Su for soup spoon.

Se = セ The couple broke up so now he's watching the sunset all alone. This is Se for sunset.

So = ソ this looks like a needle and thread you'd use for sewing. This is So for sewing.

The 'Ts' line
Ta = タ *no example yet*

Chi = チ oh look it's a chicken feather! This is Chi for chicken.

Tsu = ツ *no example yet*

Te = テ this looks like a television antenna. This is Te for television.

To = ト this looks like a totem pole. This is To for totem pole.

The 'Ns' Line
Na = ナ this is the cross your Nana was praying at but she went away shopping. This is Na for Nan.

Ni = ニ this looks like the Kanji for two!Ni is Japanese for two. This is Ni for the Kanji ニ (Ni)

Nu = ヌsomebody's a messy eater! There's a noodle sticking out of their mouth! This is Nu for noodle.

Ne = ネ Aw no, looks like this person will never get a hug! This is Ne for Never.

No = ノ this is just a line. It makes no sense. This is no for no sense.

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